PC Culture Casualties

In this age of Political Correctness, the McCarthy Era type casualties are piling up.  There’s only one question.  Who gets to define what is racist?  Ask just about anyone and they’ll tell you something different.  Everyone agrees that racism is wrong, but few if anyone can tell you what the standard definition of racism is….

Coolest Guitar Story Ever…

I have a story to tell. It’s an amazing story. And every single word of it is true. I want to share it because of an old friend. His name is Steve Heroux. We don’t know each other well. Our paths crossed a few times in our past, and we have some common friends. Suffice…

Beyond Calvinism and Arminianism: Why Open Theism Fails

Gordon Olson tries to explain how some traditional reformed Christian doctrine misrepresents God, yet in his attempt to debunk the obvious,  he falls into a common error himself. This precious man is so mistaken on so many levels. He said: “The concept of Christianity has been that man has so encumbered his mind in rebellion…

What If Whites Strike Back?

The civil rights era conspiracy, perpetrated by the Dixiecrat left, to utterly destroy the African American community, and render them politically and economically ineffective, has been so thorough, that any black voice of reason coming out of that community is attacked,  opposed, censured, condemned, reviled, vilified and all of the dog whistle terms the left uses…

Why African American Culture is a Lie.

African or American? Do Cultures Change? Before you get your panties in a bunch, read the whole article. Yes there is such a thing as African culture. As a matter of fact on the continent of Africa there are literally thousands of subcultures. The reason I chose this title is to get your attention, and…

I Will Never…..!

There’s a phrase that’s been around for a couple of decades. I think it was coined by Michael Savage, but I’m really not sure. The phrase is “liberalism is a mental disorder.”   I really thought it was just kind of a slam to liberals, and didn’t give it much thought, until I started looking…

Why The Next Generation of Blacks, Like Wesley Lowery, Will Not Achieve Racial Peace

Racism exists. Whites hate Blacks.  Blacks hate Whites. Asians hate Blacks.  Blacks hate Asians.  Whites hate Asians. Asians hate Whites.  Latinos hate whites. Whites hate Latinos.  Blacks hate Latinos.  Latinos hate blacks. Asians hate Latinos. Latinos hate Asians. I’m sure I missed some.  So….. Don’t be offended. If this seems too simplistic, it is. But…

Why Glenn Beck is morally wrong about Trump.

As a man who claims to be, among other religious titles, a Christ follower, it seems Glenn Beck is confused.  His confusion rests in the fact that he seems to think that his vote for a politician must be for a perfect, sinless individual that possesses a clearly and classically defined political ideology. One of…

Dear Liberal…Here’s Why I’m So Hostile by Jeremy N. Choate

Lately, I must admit that my hostility towards your political ilk has ramped up, pretty dramatically.  No, it’s not because we, at this point in my life, have a half-black president in the White House, and I’m some closet racist who is becoming increasingly frustrated at the prospects of the White Man’s power slipping through…

Is Being Anti-Mexican Racist?

There was a recent dust-up that happened after Donald Trump was discussing what he calls the very unfair decisions being made by the judge in the Trump University lawsuit. Trump mentioned the fact that the judge was “Mexican”. The media storm that followed, and the harsh rebuke he received from the political elites would have…